Saturday, January 4, 2020

Why Effective Hiring Strategies Include Effective Firing Strategies - Spark Hire

Why Effective Hiring Strategies Include Effective Firing Strategies - Spark HireWhen crafting effective hiring strategies, employers consider cost, resources and the benefits ofusing various resources. HR departments spend countless hours developingcomprehensive onboarding programs to train and develop new employees efficiently andexpediently. The goal attraction, retention and motivation. Yet few companies consider theirfiring, or termination, strategies in this process. But effective and respectful firing strategies playan important role in the hiring process.Effective hiring practices and the resulting engagement take years to develop and perfect butonly seconds to undo if the company does not also engage in effective firing practices. To be anemployer of choice includes treating employees respectfully during the entire employmentcycle, especially termination.By definition, being an employer of choice means talent from far and wide flocks to a firm everyone wants to work for a p articular company. Companies considered to be an employer ofchoice are positioned to successfully woo and hire the best talent the very talent necessary forpromoting and achieving business objectives, creating value and impacting the bottom line.Therefore, to secure the best talent, employers of choice develop effective hiring practices.But what takes years to develop and implement can be undone instantaneously with mismanagedtermination practices. Companies need the transitioning employees the ones leaving to carryonly feelings of goodwill. Without goodwill, employers of choice become employers toavoid. Therefore, effective hiring strategies include effective firing strategies. According to LeeHecht Harrisons Separation and Severance Benchmark Practices Study, most companies havereviewed their separation practices in the past year. In other words, companies recognize twocritical factors (1) they still need high performing talent and (2) at some point, when the economyrebounds, t hey will need MORE of it.Comprehensive termination strategies involve the process of conducting the actual terminationprofessionally and honestly, by offering severance and career transition services. Together, thesecomponents comprise respectful treatment. Respectful treatment reinforces1. Company branding and marketplace integrity2. Successful transition into new roles3. Goodwill and future business partnerships with ex-employees4. Continuing high performance of current employeesWhen developing respectful firing strategies, consider the entire process1. CommunicationWhen developing effective firing strategies, focus on open communication rather than closeddoor practices. Previously, companies would conduct the terminations secretly, quietly andwalk out the terminated employee as quickly as possible. No one wants to be treated like apariah. Allow enough time to speak with the individual and address concerns. Then allow theindividual to talk with other employees, gather their belong ings and say good-bye. Theindividual needs to grieve as does his/her coworkers. The shock is more painful if the personsdesk is suddenly empty and people departure creating answers instead of receiving them.2. Career Transition ServicesEmploy transition services or outplacement firms to successfully re-deploy talent. It is not only asound business practice, but a long-term, best-practice strategy. The terminated employee maybecome a future business partner, revenue generator or referral.3. HonestySpeak with the group or remaining employees regarding the termination. People begin worryingabout when and how they will be fired. Allow employees to ask questions and answer questionshonestly.To maintain employer of choice status, the entire employment life cycle needs to be consideredand treated respectfully. From interviewing, hiring, and onboarding to termination, severanceand career transitions, employees carefully observe how companies handle the process.Promoting engagement and ensur ing a high performing talent pipeline mandates the firingstrategies be as effective as the hiring strategies.Do you have a respectful firing strategy included in your hiring process? Be sure to let usknowin the comments.IMAGE Courtesy of Flickr bystriaticAbout the AuthorStacey Hawley owns Credo, a career counseling, workforce transition, leadership development and compensation advice firm for companies and businesses. Prior to launching Credo, Stacey was a board-level advisor (Fortune 500 firms, pre-IPO, private, startup and not-for-profits) for the largest HR global consulting firm (Towers Watson) in their premier executive compensation practice. She blogs regularly for, is a blogger and writer for Working Mother Magazine, writes for other outlets such as LearnVest, BusinessInsider and The Glass Hammer, and has numerous article citations. She graduated from Cornell University with a BS in Industrial and Labor Relations and received her MBA from the University of Mary lands Robert H. Smith School of Business.